Another long pause in the postings. Computer time can be tough on me, and sometimes it just does not happen. For example, the last month. Which is probably related to the increase in computer time at my job, but I don't want to talk about work here. This is supposed to be my outlet for talk of things I ENJOY. Such as...Running! I actually won a 50k race back in August. The Silverton Alpine 50k. This would be due to the fact that no fast people showed up. I am happy with how hard I pushed for the whole race, and thirty one miles seemed short and fast!
In non-running news I was lucky enough to catch a few minutes of an amazing four days. Tibetan Buddhist monks constructed a sand mandala here in Durango. An absolutely amazing tradition. For those not familiar, you should read up on it. I watched some of the last bits of the sand being applied, and walked to the river with about a hundred people for the ceremony of dumping the sand into the waters. I found it very moving, and it sparked a renewed interest in my own spiritual path.
Right now that spiritual path involves ultra running. The day to day training is the real beauty of this path for me. However, a few times a year it is great to go suffer with like minded souls. A couple weeks ago I ran the Bear 100, and t was the best race experience thus far. Twenty seven hours and twenty three minutes of questioning, suffering, and moving forward no matter what. I don't think I've enjoyed suffering so much since i climbed Aconcagua a few years ago. The long Autumn night allowed for many hours of introspection. Although it never goes exactly the way one might hope for, this race was the closest I've come to the ideal in my mind.
Last weekend MK ran her first 50k over in Pagosa Springs at the Devil Mountain race. Her longest training run was eighteen miles, so going to thirty one was a big leap of faith. She suffered well and finished only two minutes over her goal time of eight hours. Yeah baby!
The concentration |
The detail |
The beauty |
The wonder |
The impermanence |
The end of this cycle |
Coming into the aid station at mile 20 |
Logan Canyon is a pretty place |
I REALLYwanted this one |
Satisfaction |
Thanks to MK for all of these photos, and for being the best support crew for a grump like me.
On a final note read this if you can find some time. I'm not sure if this kind of information makes me want to go off the deep end or start a revolution, but it sure makes me think.
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