Monday, December 16, 2013


Sleepy little town

"I hear something, you hear something?"

La Plata skintrack

Powder hound!
     We've been enjoying some decent snow here in the San Juans. I'm having more fun on skis than I have in a number of years. I'm treating skiing more like running, and not worrying about the downhill as much. I just like getting into the high country and hiking up some steep hills. The cross training for mountain running is great, and it's fun to boot. Which is good, because I'm already plotting my season for another Hardrock this July. I had the amazing luck to get into the race a third time, and the third time's the charm, right? I'll be forty years old when that race rolls around, so I figure that I should prove that I'm only getting better with age... at least at hundred milers. I've got plenty of weaknesses I can work on, therefor I believe I still have potential to go faster. Of course, with a race like Hardrock, there is also potential for massive blowups. I suppose that is why I'm still so intrigued by that course. I just don't know what will happen, but the scenery will be good no matter what.
     I hope everyone out there is getting through the "dark times" of early winter. We're almost over the hump to more sunshine. Bring on the Solstice!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Another morning run

     Sometimes it's the little ones. The short run before hurrying to work in the morning. The brief escape. The times that you really don't expect the beauty to unfurl. Then, all of a sudden, the full complexity and mystery of Nature comes shining through in radiant splendor. Savor it.

Giving Thanks

I give thanks for the San Juan Mountains, and the very special people they attract. I also give thanks for quality climbing skins. Skiing uphill is as good as magic.