Friday, June 20, 2014

Hardrock course June 17-19

Looking across the saddle between Bear and Porcupine Creeks

Looking North from the saddle into Cataract Creek and South Mineral

Maggie Gulch

Things get strange in Pole Creek

Heading up Cataract Gulch

One of the few big drifts left in Pole Creek

Descending into Pole Creek from Pole/Cataract Pass

Beautiful singletrack heading towards the confluence with the Middle Fork of Pole Creek

Pole Creek = Elk Heaven

Dives-Little Giant Pass. What a difference a week makes.
A whole lot of snow melted in the last week. I predict a fairly dry race, but not nearly as dry as the last two years.
     I received a wonderful reminder of how quickly things change in the San Juans as I huddled in some trees near the location of the Pole Creek aid station with my dogs on Wednesday. It was blowing snow and groupel with intense thunder coming from Maggie-Pole Pass (where I was headed.)  We waited and shivered for about fifteen minutes and then it was sunny and warm as we ascended to the Pass. The day before I had struggled to stay upright in fifty mile an hour winds along the ridge above Putnam Basin. I love the mountains!

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