Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Best week of the year

     Well, it's here. Momentarily I'll be packing up the truck and heading North to Silverton so I can relax for a few days before the big run. I had hoped for one more foray onto the course last week, but time constraints kept me a bit closer to home. That's alright, because Jamil's videos did an awesome job of showing course conditions, so I feel that everyone is well informed on that front.
     I'm very excited for this years run. Not only because of the high level talent, which is inspiring, but also there is energy to the whole experience that is so positive. It is very easy for me to be distracted by all the sorrow in the world. Something, maybe all the self-imposed suffering, makes me notice and appreciate all the positive emotions that surround Hardrock.  Whether I'm fast, slow, or completely destroyed, I'm sure I'll learn something this year!
     Well, it's time to shut down the computer, turn off the phone, and go to my happy place. A happy Hardrock weekend to all.

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